Also for the same friend but this time, a booklet containing all the notes of farwell, well-wishes and encouragements from teachers, students, etc to Teacher Eslin whose last day is today.
Journals about Jonathan ...
Sharing my deepest thoughts ...
and other things that matter alot
(View from the back)
(Inside the Cover)
I also put little notes inside the tin box for her suggesting what she can do while she's jobless for the time being. Here are some:
Behind Jon is the large tanker...the tide was high
Wasn't feeling too good. H suggested taking a walk at Changi Beach.
The sky was clear, no sunshine. The tide was high and breeze very strong. It was a good walk. Even Jon who doesn't really like to go there, said he liked it today. We had breakfast then went for a walk along the beach. I wanted to collect shells so H helped me. Amongst the things we saw on the seashore were empty plastic bottles, seaweeds, shells, and a used condom...haha.
That spoiled the scene...haha.
Anyway, it was refreshing to be at the beach where there was hardly anyone around. I liked it. Glad I took H's advice. Felt so much better later.
His classmate KW said "wah...Jonathan kiao kah!". Just like a small towkay...LOL!
Noticed the mark on his right shin? Don't know how it got there. Today I saw another mark on the left leg as well. Both have turned blue-black. I think he kicked his legs against the when during one of the involuntary movements.
Teacher said they will allow me to be in class only during periods where I'm really needed...like math, PE, art, recess. She will let me take a break during English cos everyone is doing the same level for that subject. I've requested for him to be assessed for assistive technology (communication device).
Lately he's been making so much "L" sounds. I'm praying for the day he will start talking. He's enjoying it so much sometimes out of the blues, he will be pushing his tongue out and in and making "ah ler" sounds. I always tease him..."where is your ah ler ah ler"...haha. Maybe one day, he will progress to other consonents.
I believe he will...