Amos {below} saw me zooming in on him and wanted to give me a nice smile...but...I caught him before he could do that. LOL! I was seated like 2/half meters away from him. My camera has a 5x optical zoom and it still turned out good.
Then...Kimberly {below} with Ruel {Amos' little brother} told me she could hold the camera with one hand and take pictures of herself or with anybody she poses with. Well...I didn't tell her that the camera has wide-angle function and...ermmm...see how it turned out? Kim is a pretty young SMU undergraduate. The wide-angle doesn't do her justice! Even Ruel's face looks a little off-figure! LOL! If she sees this picture, she will want me to take if off my blog! LOL!
AHHH! Yee^2 Serene! So unglam! My face is so shiny. Haha, but it's ok, can leave it there. Hahaha, nice blog btw, Mom sent me the link =)
Hello dearie!
I could have "matted" your pretty face but didn't have the time. LOL!
TFL! ;)
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