At the eve of Jonathan's birthday, when midnight struck, Harith took the anointing oil and put some on Jonathan's head and prayed over him. He praise the Lord for this little boy who has grown and turned 12. He thanked the Lord for all the blessings that God has given to Jonathan and more blessings to come.
We didn't do a big celebration but we always like to bring a cake to Jonathan's school to share his birthday. Surprisingly, one of his last year's classmates, Kah Whye, remembered his birthday! Thanks Kah Whye!
We celebrated during snack time. Went down to the canteen and there were many students! Our cake was not big enough for all the students! But we managed to share some with Jonathan's classmates of last few years. Nurse Lisa came to sing happy birthday with us. Vice Principal came and greeted Jonathan.
Jonathan's classmates were having their snacks but stopped eating their own food halfway cos they wanted the cake! Some had 2nd helpings too! It's always a treat for them.
We had to leave the cake in the box this way cos the wind was so strong!
We gave Jonathan a treat tonight. Brought him to the playground to play slide. He had a good time!
Happy birthday Jonathan! WE LOVE YOU!
{that's not shouting shouting! But that's exclaiming loudly out of excitement and joy!}
Thanks Penny for loving Jon!
Hey Happy B-day Jonathon! I missed the celebration and the cake huh? So sad..... but sounds like u guys had fun. Kah Whye is such a sweet boy. Hope he's doing fine too.
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