For a start ... the blog is up but without the sample tees yet. You can purchase the tees there when they are put up.
Journals about Jonathan ...
Sharing my deepest thoughts ...
and other things that matter alot
I can't believe it! I found this in my secondary school {Chai Chee Secondary School} website's gallery! LOL! I was a prefect in CCSS in 1990s {yes .. the goody-two-shoes! LOL}.
For my international friends : A prefect keeps the students in order during school assemblies or when we have breaktime. Making sure the students do not misbehave. We also book students who turn up late for school.
I was actually trying to locate a good friend during school, Irene Lim Lay Hong {blue oval} and decided to go into CCSS's website. Then I found this photo.
I'm right in the middle {orange oval} and on my right {green oval} is Hazel Menon who runs Immanuel Beauty School.
I threw away my school year book when I moved house and it's such a pleasure to be able to see this picture.
So Irene ... if you chance upon my blog, please EMAIL me! Some classmates whom I came in contact with recently are hoping for a gathering of schoolmates!
This is a familiar sight under every housing block. The town council discourages residents to leave their bicycles outside the corridors cos they are narrow. So they fixed these "stands" attached to the wall for owners to leave their bikes there. These bikes parked downstairs sometimes get "abused". Thieves make off with the wheels leaving the body chained to the holders.. But looks like the people staying here at this block are very honest! LOL!
We walked from block to block. this is the picture I get whenever I push Jonathan's buggy. The only time I get to hold Harith's hand or arms is when he pushes the buggy. Otherwise, we don't get to hold hands at all while walking ... LOL! {Yes ... I'm still an old fashion lover ... LOL!}
Went to a neighbouring block. Jonathan always like to take elevators, especially when going on high floors and they move reall fast! We took the elevator to the 10th floor and took this picture. It was hazy so couldn't see far.
After 15 minutes, we headed back to our block. There's a hill just behind our block. On the top of the hill is actually the highway. Our home doesn't face the highway. On the left of this picture is actually the park right downstairs from where we live. I like it cos it's very windy most of the time in the year.
Decided to take a seat at the park. Let Jonathan enjoy the breeze before heading home {just upstairs}. That's why I love this place.
When I got home, went to my kitchen and saw this. A myna bird on a single leave of a coconut tree. The leave was swinging and not like a stiff stalk. But this bird was able to cling itself there and not once did it waver despite the wind. Talk about great balancing!
This is what I was trained today...how to operate the printing machines. I thoroughly enjoyed it. A few more practises and I'll be on my way!
We gave Jonathan a treat tonight. Brought him to the playground to play slide. He had a good time!
Happy birthday Jonathan! WE LOVE YOU!
The other friend is Ms Hwee Khim. I may have her photo but I'm not sure where I put it now...haha! She was a teacher at Jonathan's school. We celebrated their birthdays together last year.
Happy Birthday Megan, Hwee Khim and Jonathan!
A local singing group performing at the library {below}