Friday, June 17, 2011


Whenever Jonathan has retching or vomiting sessions, i always switch to porridge water without milk.

3 days ago, I decided to put this into his daily diet.  Only for 4 feeds out of the 5.  His first milk feed is usually at 10am so I give him the usual water and milk.  Then for the rest of the day, it's porridge water and milk powder together.

So far, it's been the 3rd day.  I don't see him gag that much.

Perhaps it's the insufficient food intake that's making Jonathan have gastric problems.  I'm still not sure.  But this porridge water, cooked really thick, does help.  A friend suggested alternating with organic brown rice water.  Will try this at a later stage.

I just got a call from KK Neuro Dept this morning informing me about the appointment with the gastro doctor on July 20th.  Thanks to Dr JW for giving us the referral.  At least it will give us an idea how his tummy is functioning and hopefully there will not be any acid reflux at all.

He tells me now whenever he's hungry so that's good.  He's growing and I guess he will need more than what he's taking now.  Will call the nutritionist to see if there's a free slot on 20th as well.

Thank you Lord!

Jeremiah 30:17  "I have given you back your health and heal your wounds", says the Lord.

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