I've decided on a very simple ang pow or red packets this year. I'm so glad I could find really nice red themed pattern papers from the scrapbook store. I was thinking of what I should be doing this year that doesn't need cutting (well....there has to be cutting LOL), but more of less gluing and taping.
I decided on folding, ie, origami. Searched Youtube and found a video clip folding origami red envelopes. Note: can't find that link.
So there I went...embarking on cutting the papers and folding them. Some are difficult because the papers are thick but some edges tear because they are glitter paper and small bits start to peel off. But nonetheless, I'm happy with the results.
Here's what I did :
The beautiful pattern papers were trimmed to size 19cm x 19cm. The word "福"
was printed using my tshirt vinyl transfers and heatpressing them onto the papers.
The back of each pattern paper. That's the reason why I chose to use
scrapbooking papers that are more expensive. Its because of the double-side
patterns. This makes it more pleasant than to see a blank one color side.
After cutting the paper to size, they are folded this way. The video clip gave a more
descriptive way of folding but I reduced the folding lines to just 4.
When th epaper is opened up, it looks like this. Sometimes it's not aligned
properly but still it's ok.
The folding starts.
You keep going until it looks like a square envelope (below)
The final product, fastened with a ribbon. This was taken under yellow light.
The actual color of the paper is like above pictures.
I'm pretty happy with the outcome. They were easy to make and quick too. Time to wrap the money!
For other ang pows (red packets) that I have made in the past, please refer to the following links:
- Ang Pow 1
- Ang Pow 2
- Ang Pow 3
- Ang Pow 4
Thanks for visiting. God bless you!