Monday, May 13, 2013


At 12 midnight on 12 May morning, a card was given to me just before Jonathan went to sleep.

H always has this ready whenever it's any of my special occasions.  It's easy for him to just go out and get a card.  But it's very thoughtful of him as he's a man of little words :)

I can imagine what it's like for him to hold Jonathan's hand to write on the envelope and card.  But the best present is always seeing Jonathan's handwriting on anything, whether it's aided or not.

Thanks Dear!


the night before, we were invited by my brother-in-law to join them for Mother's Day Dinner.  My sister Leanne always wants to have dinner with my family but we never had a chance. Reason being : Jonathan doesn't want to go for long-waiting-kind-of-dinner-while-you-all-enjoy-your-food.  LOL!
But I went to represent my family.  It was fun and I got to meet my eldest niece's boyfriend.  The food was nice, but the company was the best.  Here are some pictures of how much my nieces and nephew (one is in Taiwan now for army training) have grown.

Thanks Gus & Eng for inviting us.

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