Friday, October 02, 2009


I had a hard time accepting the fact that someone dear dear to me has been losing her memory.  She forgot who H is just 2 days ago.  But then again, I can't blame her cos she hasn't seen H for a long while already.

I love spending time with her.  She enjoys our company and finds joy in hearing our voices.  She laughs when we laugh and gives a strong support when we cry.

I love her ever presence even though sometimes she sits on the sofa and dozes off to sleep.

She makes funny sounds to Jonathan, talks to him, even sits down on the floor just to be with him.  Jonathan, on the other hand, will automatically extends his hands to shake hers, that he doesn't do so quickly with others.

I will remember ... forever ... that

She has a strong character who taught me strength, perseverance, tolerance and generosity.  On top of that, I've adopted her creativity.  Though not trained in arts, she could knit a sweatshirt just by looking at the photographs.  She sewed our clothes when we were young from pajamas right up to the underwear for us sisters.

Her generosity has edged into all our characters and I must say that's her strongest point.

That's how she was and still is.

Sometimes I seek her advice for some design colors and she happily tells me in teochew ... "hor ngia leh" ~ meaning ... it's quite nice.

Cherish the moment ... seize the day ... don't let the good times slip away.  I've made a point to spend more time with her and I'm enjoying every minute we are together.

So to more good memories ahead.  And with treatment, I want to believe God to continue to let you remember us.

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